10 Tips For Using Tumblr To Market Your Small Business

Image representing Tumblr as depicted in Crunc...

Image via CrunchBase

Tumblr is a microblogging platform, but it’s not like Twitter. You can write long posts, short posts, or just post pictures, audio or video, and if someone else likes what you’ve posted, they will “reblog” the post to their own blog. Their followers will see the post and if they like it, they’ll also reblog it, and so on.

When a Tumblr user follows you, all of your posts appear on their Dashboard. They scroll through, look at all their followers’ posts and reblog what they really like.

There are no comments by default on Tumblr posts (though some Tumblr themes offer Disqus integration). If users want to say something about a post, they can reblog it and add their own text to the end of the post. The bottom of a Tumblr post will frequently have a discussion unfolding:

So as you can see, Tumblr has built-in engagement and built-in viral potential. It’s very, very easy for something to go viral as it’s just two clicks for a reader to share your post with their followers

When it comes to marketing, if you’ve done any marketing on Pinterest, you have a leg up. The same sorts of things that work well on Pinterest work well on Tumblr. Let’s get into it:

  1. Be visual. Animated GIFs, and funny or interesting pictures are a great way to get out there. If you have a visually interesting product, a well-designed, beautiful product, or a way to integrate your product into something that makes it topical or humourous (preferably both), that’s the way to go. Tumblr loves cats, Benedict Cumberbatch, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, etc. To recap: Be beautiful, animated, or funny, or all three.

Continue reading the 9 other tips for using Tumblr to market your business here http://www.smallbiztechnology.com/archive/2013/05/its-tumblr-time-10-tips-for-using-tumblr-to-market-your-small-business.html/